Licenses and Citation#

When using data provided in the framework of the DKRZ CMIP Data Pool as basis for a publication, we ask you to adhere to the data citation guidelines and usage licences of the original data.

  • Citation
    • CMIP5 and CMIP6: Data is associated with DOIs allowing for standard citation in publications.

    • CMIP5: Data citations can be found via the IPCC AR5 Data Distribution Centre (WG 1 Snapshot or DDC Reference Snapshot).

    • CMIP6: Data citations can be obtained using a web-tool providing intuitive search capabilities over the entire database of published datasets.

      Data citation information is also available from ESGF by searching for the corresponding dataset and then clicking on „show citation“.

    • CORDEX: Only some datasets have been published with DOI at the WDCC, e.g. this example.

  • Licenses

    • CMIP5: data use is unrestricted for all published datasets.

    • CMIP6: two licences are used
      • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

      • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)

      The type of licence used for each dataset is contained in the NetCDF header of the published files and is also visible in the ESGF portal by clicking on „show citation“ of a dataset. Please consult the CMIP6 Data User Guide and the Terms of Use for further information

    • CORDEX: the usage licences for the CORDEX datasets are published online in a continuously updated document.

  • Acknowledging the DRKZ CDP in publications

    When using data provided in the framework of the DKRZ CMIP Data Pool as basis for a publication, we ask you to add the following text to the Acknowledgements-Section:

    “We acknowledge the CMIP/CORDEX/REKLIES (please adapt) community for providing the climate model data, retained and globally distributed in the framework of the ESGF. The CMIP/CORDEX/REKLIES (please adapt) data of this study were replicated and made available for this study by the DKRZ.”